Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
a fine line
I've struggled with this question before, and have not come up with a satisfactory answer. What makes certain pages feel more "crafty" than others? Where is that fine line between art and craft? And, does it matter? Today's pages felt somewhat "scrapbook-y" to me and I can't put my finger on what the difference is.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
living things
Maybe I was drawn to these images of bugs, plants, fish, flowers because of the seeming lack of life in my environment right now. I know its there, it is just more difficult to find and appreciate under inches of snow and breathtaking cold.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
still life
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
the path
those are the words that found their way onto the new page in my current journal. I'm back to it after a long break for travel and the travel journal. My mind was wandering as I was working, getting very philosophical about paths and journeys and journals--how those two words are from the same root meaning how far you can travel in one day. Suddenly I realized that I only had about twenty minutes left to get my butt out the door on my dog walking "path" if I wanted to complete that "journey" in one day's light! Nothing like reality to bring you screeching back to the straight and narrow path.
Monday, December 7, 2009
finishing touches
Friday, December 4, 2009
scary baby chocolate
I love going in grocery stores when I'm in a foreign country (why is that? I hate it here at home!) I like looking at the labels and seeing what is and isn't available, foodwise. These were the labels from some of the chocolate bars we bought. The "scary baby" chocolate was the best.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
putting it together
I wasn't sure how it would work out to try and put the travel journal together after the fact, but once I jumped in, it turned out to be alot of fun. Reliving the trip, picking out favorite photos to include. And I love the way the pieces just fit together--the happy coincidences that so often happen when you're working on a project like this.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
back from the USSR
Yeah, I know its not the USSR anymore, but I've got that Beatles song in my head. As has been known to happen, trying to keep up with a journal while traveling is tough. St. Petersburg in November is definitely not the place to sit on a bench and sketch the architecture! But, I'm working on putting all my little saved bits and pieces together now that I'm home.
Friday, November 20, 2009
this journal has suffered some neglect the last few days while I've been busy with other projects. I thought I should give it a little attention before it gets put aside again for a week while I'm gone. Hopefully I'll have plenty of full travel journal pages to share when I get back. Dosvidania!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
New journal
I haven't really been slacking off, just not posting for a few days. I got inspired this weekend to make a journal to take on my trip to Russia next week. My inspiration came from Mary Ann Moss who makes the most wonderful, wild journals when she travels (and everyday) and shares them on her blog "Dispatch From LA". Here are just a few pages. I'm going to wait to bind the sections into a book when I get home, hoping I might find some fun paper or fabric while I'm there. I do plan to make it fur-lined. C'mon, its November in St. Petersburg!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
blue chair
Digging through some old papers, I found this blue chair from a printmaking class I took awhile ago and so into the journal it went next to the back side of the Matisse quilt. I didn't notice till later that it is very much like the blue chair that the woman is sitting on in the Matisse painting. This book just keeps finding its own way forward.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
matisse quilting
Matisse card pulls out of the pocket
I needed a little infusion of color after the somber November snow pages. Matisse is just the thing. Of course, there are few situations in life that can't be improved by a little Matisse!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
a cool frosty evening
flap folded out showing caption "a cool frosty evening
among the closing days of November"
among the closing days of November"
I'm getting a bit ahead of myself with this peaceful snowy scene and the caption, "a cool frosty evening among the closing days of November". Must be I have Russia on my mind, where I will be among the closing days of November.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
visiting the pyramids
Somehow the page with three little holes punched in it became the great pyramids of Egypt complete with camels. Wonder where the caravan of camels will lead me tomorrow.....
Monday, November 2, 2009
orange dots
the flap folds out, the words underneath say "you are here"
So far in this journal, each page has bled over to the next in some way forming the starting point for that page. Its a bit of a stretch, but the best I could come up with for this page was the paper punch holes up in the corner.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Possumus is latin for we can
Possumus is latin for "we can". That is what the little words say on the dark background. They were there when that page went into the journal, so they stayed.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
map of the world
the map at the bottom forms a pocket
the map at the bottom of yesterday's page got folded up to form a pocket--that was my starting point today. I found myself overthinking the direction the pages were headed and made myself stop and go with the flow.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
the strips are loose and fold over the picture
each strip of paper has a few words glued onto it
the stripes at the far right fold over to the following page
I just finished reading a book in which the main character writes a book that takes on powers of its own. Maybe its just the power of suggestion, but I know the feeling. This current journal seems to be directing the progress and telling its own story and I'm just the conduit. (if it starts directing me to write page after page of "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" ala The Shining it will be time to retire this particular book!)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
playing along
So far, this journal seems to be taking on a life of its own and I'm just along for the ride. And I'm
OK with that. I'll just keep playing along and see where it takes me.
OK with that. I'll just keep playing along and see where it takes me.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
"Inspiration is 99% perspiration"--I do believe the old saying. You gotta do the work. But sometimes it feels easier than that. I started out with a scrap of purple paper with a practice pomegranate print on it (say that 3 times fast) and the rest just fell into place. Maybe today was the karmic pay-off for the "perspiration" that went into yesterday's leaf mounting extravaganza!
Friday, October 23, 2009
turn over a new leaf
Thursday, October 22, 2009
start all over again
I finished off the red, dog-chewed journal yesterday and it is time to start a new one. I spent some time looking through the three I have filled since starting this daily process. Its seems like a good time to take a measure of where I am, how far I've come, where I'm headed, etc.
-choosing a journal to work in has been a bit of a Goldilocks process. Too big, too small, seeking "just right". Or maybe, continuing to change sizes is a good thing, a way to keep the process fresh.
-I started with the idea of wanting to improve my comfort with drawing because I've been frustrated in the past when trying to keep a journal while traveling. I had hoped daily practice would improve that. Instead, I've done some drawing, but lots of other stuff as well. So going forward I'll recommit to the drawing, but keep enjoying all the other stuff too.
-Looking through the first book I worked in, I noticed that I did a lot more experimenting and just trying out new ideas. I'll try to aim for more of that again. I really enjoyed it and it keeps the creative juices flowing.
So, here I go on #4!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
studio table
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
autumnal delights
Monday, October 19, 2009
Center for Book Arts
Tonight was a meeting of the journal collective which is held at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts. I like to go early enough that I can sit and have a bite to eat in the cafe before the meeting--they always have good, out-of-the-ordinary soups. I did this sketch of two women sitting at a table right next to the open staircase--it made a nice backdrop.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
future applesauce
Thursday, October 15, 2009
apropos of nothing
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I was so taken with the idea of diptychs using images from two people that it evolved beyond just a post on my blog into one all its own. Check out the newly minted "Dipchycks", a combined effort between my sister and myself. It promises to be lots of fun......
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